• 10.06.24
  • News

Statement from AMPS Innovation on Protecting Food Innovation and Consumer Choice Against Florida’s Unconstitutional Ban

The Association of Meat, Poultry & Seafood Innovation (AMPS) stands with UPSIDE Foods and the Institute for Justice (IJ) as they sue the State of Florida. The recent Florida bill prevents the production, sale, and even distribution of cultivated foods in an attempt to dictate which businesses can succeed and fail in the United States. This lawsuit supports the American right to invent solutions for our urgent problems like food security, and go through appropriate channels to gain approval and sell your goods in the free marketplace. The legal challenge highlights the unconstitutional nature of the bill and underscores the important role that cultivated meat can play in American public health and economic growth, and the way the industry has worked diligently with federal agencies to ensure transparency and federal oversight for the food regulation of this exciting new invention.

Today, we will see the beginning of the first ever legal challenge for a bill banning cultivated meat. These products undergo comprehensive testing far exceeding the requirements for any other new food products. The safety of cultivated meat has been rigorously evaluated and endorsed by the USDA and FDA, and preventing their trade is a setback for technology, nutrition, and the American economy. We need more food options held to high standards to meet the needs of our growing population, and we need more American innovation and the competition of the marketplace to ensure our economic strength for decades to come.

Cultivated meat can lead the way in improving the health and safety of our food systems, for humans, animals and the planet as a whole. We can support the ability to eat the foods you prefer, with more UPSIDES and less downsides- 1) being able to produce foods with fewer contributions to climate change AND more resilience to our changing climate, 2) foods that are closely monitored and don’t contribute to antibiotic resistance or zoonotic diseases, 3) foods grown without accumulating toxins like pesticides and microplastics, and so much more.

Criminalizing the sale of cultivated meat restricts consumer choice and stifles innovation– when it is our freedom and our ingenuity that makes America great. Governmental overreach imposes unnecessary constraints on an emerging industry with immense potential for individual states and the nation. You should have the freedom to decide what you eat, supported by transparent labeling that keeps you informed.

The global demand for animal protein is projected to double by 2050– there is agreement that innovations like cultivated meat are crucial to bridging the gap between what can currently be produced and where the demand is going. The United States needs to continue forwards in a leadership position on food innovation, and show the world that we can create sustainable methods to feed the world.

The industry remains committed to modernizing our food system working in tandem with farmers and consumers to collaboratively create a better future for all Americans. Together, we are strong enough and smart enough to innovate solutions to meet the the growing food system demands while using resources sustainably.

For media inquiries or further information, please reach out to [email protected].